The Inmates Are Running the Asylum by Alan
Cooper. Indianapolis: Macmillan Computer Publishing,
Would you trust a computerized refrigerator to order food
for you? I wouldn't. My life is already filled with
difficult-to-use high-tech devices. My entertainment
center's remote controls are too complex. I can program my
VCR, but most people still cannot set the time. A
best-selling word processor prohibits me from manually
numbering paragraphs. It seems that whenever you combine a
device, such as a clock, with a computer chip, you end up
with something that is more difficult to use than its
uncomputerized counterpart.
Alan Cooper is on a mission to make computerized products
and software easier to use. He finds the problem is poor
interface--or interactive--design, not technology. In The
Inmates Are Running the Asylum, he presents "the
business case" for good interactive design. He shows how bad
things are, why they are bad, the benefits of good design,
and an approach for successful interface design.
Cooper prefers the word "interaction" over "interface."
He feels that interface design encourages programmers to
think that a user interface can be slapped on for
superficial aesthetics after they write the bulk of the
code. Interaction design is much deeper and starts with the
user's goals. Interface design is about making a feature
look good; interactive design starts with figuring out the
user's needs. Good interactive design results in
easier-to-use products that meet consumer needs and cost
less to create. Many non-programmers create computer
products, often in the guise of spreadsheets and databases
and should be concerned about the design of what we produce.
Cooper has been on both sides of interactive design. He
is a programmer, and his projects include SuperProject and
Microphone II for Windows. He is the father of Visual Basic
and now heads Cooper Interactive Design. He has the utmost
respect for programmers, being one himself, but points out
that they rarely make good interactive designers.
While Cooper is not a Macintosh fan, this book is of
value to Macintosh enthusiasts. The Mac rests on good design
in hardware and software. Mac fans expect well-designed
software with a superior interface. That is not to say that
Macintosh software should slavishly follow the Macintosh
interface guidelines, although we do prize consistency, but
that it should be elegant and user-oriented.
Why Is There So Much Bad Software?
Why do we put up with poorly designed computer products?
For the same reason we are impressed by a dancing bear. We
are so impressed that the bear can even dance that we don't
care if it can't dance well. Consumers put up with an awful
lot of garbage because they are impressed that computers
work, even if they are almost impossible to use. We either
apologize for the sad state of affairs and defend the
computer for what it can do (this describes most programmers
and "power users") or just grit our teeth and carry on. Very
few people try to fix problems.
Software publishers and developers usually deny there is
a problem. Interface design is often an afterthought and
done too late to change how the software or computer devise
works with the user. Interactive design needs to be well
under way before coding is done. Too often the interface is
designed by people with no knowledge of interface design,
which is why Cooper is trying to convince people heading
companies of the need to hire interactive designers and make
them important to the product design and development
Currently, programmers usually do design work, and it is
a rare programmer who is good at both coding and interactive
design. Cooper considers Bill Atkinson and Andy Herzfelds,
programmers of the original Macintosh, to be "probably the
two most talented, creative, and inventive programmers
ever." However, Cooper feels that the General Magic device
they created failed because it was "engineered and
not designed" (emphasis in original). A professional
interactive designer is needed for every project.
However, most programmers think they know best and refuse
to bow to anyone's demands. Too often they design for
themselves and not the typical user. They often love
complexity and look down on people who do not. This works
for games, where the user wants to discover the rules of the
game on his own and enjoys being overwhelmed with choices,
but not for someone who wants to set his or her alarm clock
or write a memo. The most telling story is of the
1-Click interface. Jeff Bozos, Amazon's president, presented
the 1-Click design to his programmers. The programmers
insisted on inserting a confirmation dialog box, resulting
in a 2-click interface. Even Amazon's president had a
difficult time convincing the programmers to remove the
confirmation box.
There is a need for professional interaction designers.
Programmers are concerned that if someone else does
interactive design, they won't have anything interesting to
do. Cooper argues that interaction design is only a small
part of software design. Interaction design is limited to
the interface, so programmers still do a great deal of
design work.
Another common problem is prototypes turning into
products. Prototypes are only supposed be created for
demonstration and proof of the concept. But sometimes they
work too well, and someone decides they should become the
final product. There are several reasons for this such as an
executive deciding that the prototype is ready for
commercial sales after viewing a dog-and-pony show. Often
someone decides to base the final product on the prototype
in order to "save time and money." In most cases, the
prototype is made out of spit and bailing wire and does not
have the right foundation or architecture for a
full-featured system. In reality, it is cheaper and quicker
to throw out the prototype and reprogram the actual product
from scratch.
Which comes back to the one main reason interactive
design is not done: people believe that there isn't time for
design--which is often viewed as fluff--when in reality, a
good design saves time and money.
The rush to produce software often results in substandard
products. In most cases, we see badly designed software
competing against badly designed software so that there is
no lack-of-sales penalty for producing crap. Cooper argues
that a well-designed product will beat a product that seems
to dominate the market. Poorly designed software endears
little loyalty, which is why Netware, a well-engineered
product with a lousy interface, lost much of its market
share to alternatives including NT and "even AppleShare."
Apple, in contrast, was able to hold onto its many customers
during its dark days out of loyalty inspired by good design.
How to Design Good Products
While Cooper did not write a "how-to" book, the last part
of the book describes his approach to interactive design. He
says that it is important to design for the user, but there
is a problem. You never know who your user is. Rather than
spending endless hours and dollars on market research, he
recommends creating a detailed persona and designing for it.
A persona is a hypothetical person. It has a name,
family, and motivation. Cooper provides excellent examples
from projects he has worked on including the Logitech
Scanman. A general rule is, avoid designing for a broad
audience and try to help solve a real person's problem.
Witness: wheeled luggage was designed for flight crews but
became a product popular with the general public.
Apple's iMac might be a case where designing for a narrow
audience produced a successful product that went beyond the
target audience. The iMac was designed for the first-time
computer owner, yet most purchases are made by people who
already own a computer. If Apple had tried to make a Mac
model to attempt to please everyone, it probably would have
pleased no one. Many design decisions (such as eliminating
the SCSI, ADB, and serial ports) simplified the machine.
Compare the number of ports on an iMac to those on the eOne,
a Wintel iMac lookalike. Which offers a more confusing array
of ports?
Designers should not blindly copy other designs. Many
design conventions do not work well. Many users find dialog
boxes annoying and often don't read the warnings they
display. A test was done by taping $50 bills to the bottom
of a chair and having a person sit in the chair and run a
computer program. During the test, a dialog box appeared on
the screen telling the person to take the $50 bill. In most
cases, the $50 bill remained taped to the chair. Programmers
love dialog boxes, but most users don't read them. Use
things that work.
The key word is design. Don't just respond to a
bunch of user requests for new features. Design a product
that solves problems. This means that you must understand
what the user is trying to do and the larger goals.
Apple and Microsoft
Inmates is not a study of the personal computer
industry, although Cooper criticizes Apple and Microsoft. He
only refers to them to show the importance of good design,
and any discussion of the two companies is peripheral to the
book. He feels that both companies discourage other
companies from innovative interface design and then
blatantly violate their interface rules in their own
Microsoft has a very costly design--or nondesign--process
resulting from attrition. Good design eventually manifests
in a Microsoft product after 3--5 generations. The source of
the problem is that Microsoft is the home of arrogant
programmers. While Microsoft does employ professional
interface designers, programmers are in control of product
design, and one result is that products are designed without
much concern for interactivity. Good products eventually
evolve after a few versions have been released to the
public. Microsoft can afford this costly and inefficient
interface design process owing to its large bank accounts.
Unfortunately, most other software companies emulate
Microsoft's wasteful design process and often fall by the
Cooper has less to say about Apple: "And that devotion to
design and attention to the details of interaction have
created for Apple a customer loyalty that borders on--and
frequently transgresses into--fanaticism." Otherwise, he
feels that "Apple's technological prowess is good, but not
great. From a capability point of view, Apple is no better
than Microsoft in innovation." Apple's blunders of the past
decade would have killed any other company, but its use of
design earned it incredible customer loyalty. "The Mac
fulfilled the user's needs only as well as Windows ever did,
and in many cases less well, but the fulfilling of needs
isn't the vital ingredient in market success." Apple's
design-inspired loyalty caused many customers to ignore
superior solutions. He feels that Apple is fixing its
problems and will become a company worth paying attention to
This brings out the only contradiction in the book. If
Apple offered superior interactive design, why does it not
make, in his opinion, a superior computer? Cooper says
Windows computers are superior to Macs in most cases. So
isn't the superior design of the Macintosh worth something
to him? Is Apple's good design only of a shallow nature, did
Apple screw up so badly that great design doesn't cover its
faults, or did Microsoft Windows eventually catch up to the
Macintosh during Apple's bleak years? Or does this opinion
reflect Cooper's background as a programmer? I could make a
case that Apple's superior design did not make up for other
deficiencies in the Macintosh, but he does not fully explain
his case. While this issue is not important to his business
audience, it is of interest to we Mac people. And while it
is peripheral to his book, if he brings up how the Mac's
design inspired user loyalty, he owes it to the reader to
explain how the Macintosh's design does not translate into a
better product.
I also think he misses an important point. Apple does not
force any software company to follow its interface
guidelines. The true force behind design consistency in
Macintosh software comes from the users, and Macintosh users
are more demanding of good interaction design than are
Windows users. When a company makes a stupid change in how
an application works, such as making So why does Inmates use the command cloverleaf
( What of Consistency?
Cooper never directly brings up the issue of consistency.
I get the impression that he looks at each software package
on a case-by-case basis and does not value consistency of
use. This is not a fatal flaw because a persona could be
created that values consistency. But it is odd that he does
not bring up this issue except in attacking Apple and
Microsoft's' design guidelines. I wish he had addressed this
For example, he praises Kai's graphic products because
feels they address a very narrow audience that values
complexity and the game-like attributes of functional
discovery. I have heard people from this audience complain
about Kai's idiosyncratic interfaces. People complain about
how they force you to throw out everything you know about
how to use software and not about their complexity or the
sense of adventure in using them.
Inmates is an important book for anyone interested
in computers. It is entertaining and enlightening. Since
many Macintosh users value good design, it gets us to think
more about how much better our software should be. I now
have less tolerance for software that does not remember that
I want my calendar to default to monthly view and not daily,
darn it. At the very least, we can be more demanding about
the products we buy and think about design more. For product
creators, Cooper's approach is sure to result in superior
Cooper's book has made me realize how lucky I am to have
worked for a company that designed products before creating
them. I have worked on projects that were started before the
design was even started, because management was in a hurry,
at a huge cost and many, many missed deadlines.
Inmates is not an interface cookbook. Cooper's
argument for good interaction is irresistible. Coupled with
a clear, simple, and entertaining writing style,
Inmates is must reading for anyone working in
technology fields or interested in improving computer
products. Despite being a "business" book, Inmates is
extremely readable and valuable to consumers and
Paul Chernoff deals with everything computer related
for The Washingtonian Magazine He is lucky to be doing most
of his work on a Mac. He is thankful to have a wife who
edits his articles. At home, he balances time between Mac
and family. He can be reached at
do something other than close a window, I hear users
complain. I think that Macintosh users, while accepting the
dancing bear too often, are more likely to select software
based on a superior interface than on what is popular than
are Windows users.
as a section separator? I guess it came from some Mac-loving
book designer who wanted to show his or her blind, fanatical
loyalty to Apple.
Revised January 9, 2000 Lawrence I. Charters
Washington Apple Pi