March General Meeting and Mac OS X
Story and photos
by Lou Pastura
First, the meeting. Carrie Conroy, from Canon, was first
up with a great presentation on Canon printers and scanners.
Canon has made a serious commitment to the Mac market that
deserves to be supported. I use their BJC-8200 photo
printer. It is fast and produces stunning 8 x 10 inch photo
prints at 1200 x 1200 dpi (dots per inch). A new printer,
the S800, is due out in the stores very soon (by the time
you read this it will be available) that will be even faster
than the already zippy 8200 and will raise the resolution to
1200 x 2400 dpi. Carrie said this was her first user group
presentation. We didn't believe her -- she did a
great job!
Next up, J.D. Mankovsky, a senior engineer with Apple,
did his usual amazing job of presenting great amounts of
both technical and practical information in a very
accessible way. Even more amazing, he does this while
holding the attention of a widely varied and truly outspoken
audience. He walked through a Mac OS X install and patiently
answered question upon question with the skill and good
humor we've come to expect from this old friend of the Pi.
Speaking of old, meeting day included a birthday
celebration for J.D. as well as for our own Jon Thomason.
After the formal meeting presentation in the Northern
Virginia Community College auditorium, the festivities moved
upstairs where a big Mac OS X cake awaited, along with
birthday cakes for both J.D. and Jon (thanks, Beth!), and
coffee and sodas.
This special workshop after the meeting was the place
where Mac OS X was available for sale and where Pi
volunteers made themselves available to install the new OS
for anyone who'd purchased it and brought their computer.
There was quite a crowd (as the photos attest) and a good
time was had by all as new friendships were made and old
ones renewed.
If you missed this great time, don't despair. We get
together every month to share answers to questions and hear
from vendors, and we'll be doing it next month, too!. It's
fun and educational, and you might make a new friend. Come
join us!