The Retired SIG met on Thursday, Mar 23 at 1:00 PM at the Pi Office. Fourteen, not necessarily retired, members attended and were treated to an iChat video session between Len and his daughter and grandchildren. They were located in San Antonio and, despite the distance, the images were clear and the audio clean. It was a real good example of how iChat video can work and keep you closer to your loved ones.
Many questions surfaced from the iChat session and the meeting hosts, Len and Bob, did their best to answer them. Other questions evolved into discussions about when to buy a new Mac - Intel Mac or otherwise. The Activity Viewer program was demonstrated when a question arose concerning an apparent slowdown with a Mac using AppleWorks. We also covered the question for the meeting - what do we use our Macs for? We had a variety of answers and the responses suggested a wide skill level within the group.
Many of the attendees participated throughout the meeting and many useful tips and comments surfaced. Overall, we had a good gathering and everyone left a little more enlightened about the Mac.