Legal notice: Tours is a city in west-central France. Washington is a city in the District of Columbia. Apple is an edible fruit of a rosaceous tree, Malus pumila. Pi is the product of a mathematical calculation. © 1998 Washington Apple Pi.
Tour de Tenth:
a "director's cut" of the video clip shown under
Tour de Second, re-released by the director in streaming
QuickTime (350K). Compare it with the original, below; you'll be
de Ninth: Washington Apple Pi visits MacWorld
Expo New York in July 1998, otherwise known as "Apple does not
pre-announce products but we've done our best to make this the iMac
Expo in honor of a forthcoming product."
de Eighth: Washington
Apple Pi hosted Apple at the start of their 1998 User Group Tour,
and a huge Memorial Day weekend crowd drooled over the new PowerBook
G3, Apple Studio Display, and forthcoming iMac.
Tour de Seventh: Two QuickTime clips of the December 1993 Washington Apple Pi Garage Sale, one large (5.8 MB), one small (810K). (Patience: these may take several minutes to download; requires QuickTime)
Bonus: a photo of the original Apple garage.
Tour de Sixth: Washington Apple Pi participates in the New Apple Road Show at Typson's Galleria, McLean, Virginia, summer 1997.
Tour de Fifth: A stirring picture portrait of the nation's capital [under repair; they're either potholes or bomb craters]. This famed tour is sometimes called "Taking The Fifth."
Tour de Fourth: Scenes from Stockholm, Amsterdam, and Mariefred, part of Washington Apple Pi's 1997 European Virtual Tour.
Tour de Third: Pronounced "toitytoid," this is a photographic look at Washington Apple Pi's famed Tuesday Night Clinic.
Tour de Second: Photographic tour of Washington Apple Pi's office in Rockville, Maryland, including an amazing recursive self-portrait and a scene from the historic Telecommunications Opera. These photos were taken in 1996-1997; the TCS Remodeling Tour photos (below) are more recent (as far as the TCS is concerned).
Bonus: A QuickTime video tour of Washington Apple Pi! (1.1 MB clip) (this may take several minutes to download; requires QuickTime)
Tour de First: January 1997 Remodeling of Washington Apple Pi's famed "TCS Room," a closet crammed with obsolete equipment that, through a rare combination of inspiration, perspiration, dedication, and an outrageous expenditure of talent and audacity, forms the core of the only user group-operated Internet service of its kind in this corner of the galaxy.
Revised November 12, 1998 Lawrence I. Charters
Washington Apple Pi